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Sewist is committed to preventing copyright infringement on the website. The current copyright policy is a part of our terms of use and any registered user vows to use Sewist website with coherence to the rules below. General copyright laws and common sense should also be applied.
Sewing Patterns A sewing pattern is copyrighter by its creator, including all parts like cover photo, technical drawing, instructions et cetera.

Users can only upload the mentioned information to the pattern listings that illustrate their own designs.

It is prohibited to upload images and texts for patterns that you have not designed yourself to any part of the website where they might become accessible to other users, including but not limited to user and group avatars, project photos, forum posts, jobs, et cetera.

You are welcome to add patterns to the Sewist database so that they can then be stored in yours and others libraries. You can mention comprehensive pattern information such as name, size, fabric requirements, sizes and tags, just not parts of the original copyrighted work. You are also welcome to add reviews on sewing patterns and create projects, as well as add images of your finished garments.

Sewist members are given the opportunity to flag any image as infringing copyright and in such a case, the image will be taken down immediately.

Printed patterns, or books, or magazines are your property that you can list in your online store and swap or sell to other users, provided that you ship the printed original material and not copies/scans of it. Magazine Covers In case of a magazine cover, the copyright for it is held by either the publisher of the magazine or the individual contributors who worked on the cover depicted.

Sewist uses low-resolution images of magazine covers to illustrate the publication of the issue of the magazine in question. The described use of low-res images for illustrative, educational and reference purposes qualifies as fair use under Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property and United States copyright law. Any other uses of these images, on Sewist or elsewhere, may be copyright infringement.

As a further step to prevent these images from being used in ways that might infringe the publisher's and the artists copyright, all magazine covers have been resized to a maximum of 130 px and blurred. It is believed that the users who have the mentioned issues in their possession will still be able to get oriented in their libraries. The original images are not stored on Sewist servers.

It is prohibited to upload magazine cover images to any part of the website where they might become accessible to other users, including but not limited to user and group avatars, project photos, forum posts, et cetera.

Sewist members are given the opportunity to flag any image as infringing copyright and in such a case, the image will be taken down immediately.

If you are a publisher, and would like your magazines to be listed on Sewist with more representative images to inspire interest among sewing community and drive more business to your brand, kindly send us an e-mail with a written permission to update the cover images.