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Schmuck, Häkeln
Sprache: Englisch
3 Schnittmuster
This is the only sewing book you'll ever need. Every tool and every technique you require for making your own home furnishings or clothing is closely and sharply photographed, carefully annotated, and clearly explained. The Tools section begins with the basic toolkit, opening up into everything you could possibly need - every type of cutting tool and machine foot is shown. This section also includes information on patterns - how to measure, how to use, and how to adjust them. Gallery spreads appear throughout the substantial Techniques section and showcase darts, zips, pleats etc, as well as showing key stitches. Plus, you can bring your acquired and refined skills to fruition as you make some of the 25 home decor and clothing
Hinzugefügt von kovaldm am 13.11.2015