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Status open
Price Offer ₽123.00
Apply by Jun 7, 2016
Start Jun 7, 2016
Required by Jun 21, 2016
Description йцуйцууц
Number of testers required
Experienced crafters only Yes
Clear photo of finished object required Yes
Create project and link to pattern No
Check instructions for typos, errors and ease of understanding Yes
Report amount of materials used No
Added by
Created: Jun 7, 2016
No results found.
Pattern Test - 123456 Name (English) Job posted by kovaldm. Job type: Patterns test. Price Offer: ₽123.00.
Start date: Jun 7, 2016. Deadline: Jun 21, 2016. 0 applications.
1 posts, 1 writers, 1 readers, started 101 months ago

posted 101 months ago (Tuesday, June 7) by kovaldm
This thread is to discuss Pattern Test - 123456 Name (English)